Professor Luke O’Neill: Ticketmaster gigs and sporting events may require vaccination for people to attend – – Our News, Your Views

Professor Luke O’Neill: Ticketmaster gigs and sporting events may require vaccination for people to attend

Speaking on last night’s Tonight Show on Virgin Media television said that “the way out of this is the vaccine”.

O’Neill said that making it mandatory will not work but that there are ways to make people take the vaccination by telling people that you have to get if you want to travel. He said that there 5 different vaccines in the works and that they should be made available by summer 2021 in Ireland.

The discussion went further to show that employers may enforce that their workforce would have to take the vaccine for them to continue to work at their company.

It’s not yet known how many people would be willing to take a vaccine but various online polls show that it’s around 50/50. Would you get the vaccine?

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