Russia bans most Chinese citizens from entering the country to protect its citizens from coronavirus – – Our News, Your Views

Russia bans most Chinese citizens from entering the country to protect its citizens from coronavirus

Russia has become the first country in the world to temporarily ban almost all Chinese citizens from entering the country with the exception of screened diplomatic staff.

The Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Mishustin signed the decree on Tuesday evening amid fears of the deadly Covid19 virus or Corona Virus as it is commonly known.

On Wednesday the Russian government extended the prohibition on Chinese citizens entering the country by suspending entry invitations to Chinese citizens for private and educational visits.

So far, the virus has official claimed the lives of over two thousand people the vast majority of whom have died in the China, where the virus originated.

The Chinese government has reported 2,009 deaths and 14,938 recoveries – out of a total of 74,185 cases as Wednesday.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang gave the country’s official reaction to Russia’s move stating:

“Russia emphasized that it strongly supports China in the fight against the epidemic, and also firmly believes that China will be able to win this fight,” he explained. “The restrictive measures that have been taken don’t mean a complete travel ban between our two countries but are temporary initiatives that will be adjusted or even cancelled as soon as the situation improves.”

The Irish government has yet to take any measures to prevent Chinese citizens from entering the country despite the rapidly spreading virus.

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