Covid-19: Strick measures will see people in Northern Ireland facing fines of up to £5,000 if they break lockdown rules – – Our News, Your Views

Covid-19: Strick measures will see people in Northern Ireland facing fines of up to £5,000 if they break lockdown rules

The department of health in Northern Ireland and the PSNI have implemented very strick measures in their fight against a widespread coronavirus outbreak.

People living across Northern Ireland face fines of up to £5,000 if they break lockdown rules, it has emerged today.

Northern Ireland is now under effective lockdown, with all non-essential businesses closed until further notice. People are not allowed to leave their homes unless they have a ‘reasonable’ motive to do so. Those found breaching quarantine face hefty penalties.

21 people have so far died from Covid-19-related causes across the north with 410 confirmed cases as of Monday morning.

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