Gardai are investigating suspected arson attack at Co Tipperary site earmarked for migrants – – Our News, Your Views

Gardai are investigating suspected arson attack at Co Tipperary site earmarked for migrants

The gardai are looking into a possible arson incident at a property in Clonmel, County Tipperary that is being created for modular accommodation for migrants, reports The Mirror.

The incident occurred on Tuesday between 12 and 1 in the morning at the location on Heywood Road outside of the town. Someone lit a mobile lighting unit on fire.

Only four days had passed since a previous incident in which many people attacked security staff at the location, resulting in one man being hospitalised, reports The Mirror.

That event also resulted in damage to many automobiles due to fire. The Gardaí are requesting witnesses to the two events.

Those who are against the modular home idea have staged many protests at the location in recent weeks, reports The Mirror.

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