Government may have to change backtrack ridiculous Re-turn scheme following EU legality challenge, top lawyer claims – – Our News, Your Views

Government may have to change backtrack ridiculous Re-turn scheme following EU legality challenge, top lawyer claims

Image source: RTE

A leading legal expert believes that the Government may have to modify its troubled deposit return programme after a complaint was filed with the European Commission claiming that it violates EU competition rules, reports The Mirror.

The Irish Petrol Retailers Association (IPRA) has complained to the Directorate-General for Competition, stating that the Re-turn plan is anti-competitive and restricts free movement of products within the European Union.

Jason O’Sullivan, a lawyer who won Lawyer of the Year in 2023, claims that the IPRA’s complaint has validity and that the Government may need to change the laws supporting the programme.

“The complaint… does have merit and raises legitimate questions on the issue of whether the deposit return scheme is anti-competitive and results in a restriction on the free movement of goods as prohibited under EU competition law,” he told the Irish Mirror, reports The Mirror.

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