Mary Lou McDonald claims Sinn Féin’s 335 local election candidates can all get elected – – Our News, Your Views

Mary Lou McDonald claims Sinn Féin’s 335 local election candidates can all get elected

According to Mary Lou McDonald, the head of Sinn Féin, each of the 335 candidates running for local elections next month should be able to get a seat, reports Breaking News.

Although the party is “really stretching” itself by fielding so many candidates, Ms. McDonald claimed that the team’s size is indicative of the party’s goals.

Compared to most other parties, Sinn Féin has a much larger number of candidates running in the local elections, reports Breaking News.

Introducing the party’s platform in Monaghan on Friday, Ms. McDonald stated that the initial step towards removing “this disastrous government out of office” is the local and European elections.

“The local election, the European election, doesn’t change the government, people know that. But it can be, and I believe that it must be, the first step in the change that is long overdue,” she told party delegates, reports Breaking News.

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